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Saturday, June 29, 2024


 One essential trait that can make all the difference in attaining success and fulfilling one's dreams is perseverance. It's simple to become disheartened and desire to give up when faced with difficulties. But it's precisely in those times that we have to find our inner strength and determination to press on.

When things are difficult, giving up could seem like the preferable course of action, but it's crucial to keep in mind that hard work and persistence are necessary for any significant accomplishment. The famous quotation from Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb, reads, "I have not failed. I've discovered ten thousand ineffective methods." In the end, his perseverance and resolve produced a discovery that completely changed the world.

We run the danger of losing the priceless experiences and lessons that come from persevering through difficulties when we quit up, in addition to missing out on possible victories. Overcoming challenges demonstrates our fortitude and strength, fostering self-assurance and moral qualities that have endless advantages. Giving up can also start a vicious cycle of regret and "what ifs." We could wonder what would have happened if we had persevered, which can result in a life of unrealized potential. On the other side, overcoming obstacles can provide us a lifelong sense of satisfaction and success.

Of course, it's important to acknowledge that there are times when it's necessary to reassess and adjust our goals and strategies. However, this should not be confused with giving up entirely. Instead, it's a sign of wisdom and adaptability, allowing us to refine our approach and continue moving forward with renewed purpose. 

In conclusion, the phrase "don't give up" is more than just a clich̩ Рit's a call to action that can inspire you to reach new heights. By persevering through challenges and staying committed to our goals, we can unlock our full potential and achieve greatness.
So, the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, remember that every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to success. Keep pushing forward, and never give up on your dreams.


Thursday, May 23, 2024



Do you know that your thoughts have the ability to change your world. Your thoughts have the power to direct your behaviour, mould your reality, and ultimately decide how successful you will be in life. It's been stated that we are mostly what we think about, and this is true in a lot of areas of our lives. Our reality is something that is created by our thoughts. We are more likely to draw good things into our life when we visualise success and think positively. However, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment and setbacks if we think negatively all the time and expect to fail.

Our behaviours can also be influenced by the strength of our thoughts. We are more willing to take chances and confidently pursue our objectives when we have confidence in our skills and abilities. On the other hand, we could prevent ourselves from realising our maximum potential if we have self-doubt and mistrust about our talents. Our thoughts have the most power since they have the capacity to mould our beliefs. Our beliefs serve as the cornerstone of our mentality and have the power to either advance or impede us. We're more likely to put in the effort required to accomplish our goals if we have faith in our capacity for success. However, we could unknowingly undermine our own success if we have self-limiting assumptions about who we are and what we can achieve. 

An effective way to harness the power of your thoughts is to visualise your goals. Visualisation is a powerful tool that involves mentally practicing your goals and picturing yourself achieving them. By visualising your success and focusing on positive outcomes, you can programme your mind for success and increase your chances of achieving your goals. Negative thoughts can be toxic and can hinder our progress in life. By cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on thoughts that empower us, we can create a more fulfilling and successful life.  

Affirmations are an additional method of using your ideas to manifest power. Positive sentences that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis to support optimistic attitudes and beliefs are called affirmations. You may rewire your subconscious mind to align your ideas with the outcomes you want by reinforcing your objectives and aspirations. In summary, the power of your thoughts has the ability to affect how you act, how your reality is shaped, and how successful you are in life. You may use your thoughts to create the life you want by visualising your goals, adopting a positive mindset, and repeating affirmations to yourself. Recall that your thoughts have the ability to influence your reality, so select them carefully.


Sunday, May 19, 2024


 Fear is a normal human emotion that can prevent us from reaching our greatest potential. Fear  may be paralysing and keep us from taking chances and following our goals, whether it be dread of the unknown, rejection, or failure. But fear doesn't have to hold you back from leading a happier, more prosperous life. Here are seven strategies for overcoming your fears:

1.     Embrace your fears. face-on: Facing fear head-on is the most effective method to get over it. Whether it's giving a speech in front of an audience, attempting something new, or approaching a challenging circumstance, start small to overcome your worries. You'll come to understand that your worries are not as terrifying as you initially believed the more you confront them.

2.     Engage in mindfulness exercises: these techniques are effective for conquering fear. You can learn to identify moments when fear is gaining control and take action to calm yourself by being mindful of your thoughts and feelings while remaining in the present. Despite your worry, mindfulness can support you in maintaining your composure and attention.

3.     Challenge negative ideas: Negative ideas about who we are and the world we live in frequently serve as fuel for fear. Asking yourself if these ideas are presumptions or if they are true will help you challenge them. Positive affirmations and reminders of your skills and abilities should take the place of negative ideas.

4.     Seek assistance: It's important to remember that you are not alone in your fears. Seek assistance and direction from friends, family, or a therapist. You can obtain perspective and discover fresh approaches to conquering your concerns by talking about them.

5.     Take of yourself: Taking care of your physical and mental needs is crucial since fear can be debilitating and overwhelming. Make sure you are eating healthfully, exercising frequently, and getting adequate sleep. Taking good care of your body might make you feel stronger and more fear-resistant.

6.      Make plans and act on them: Making plans and acting on them can help you get over your fear and gain confidence. Divide your objectives into doable, modest steps, and acknowledge your accomplishments as you go. You might convince yourself that you are able to overcome your worries and realise your aspirations by acting on them.

7.     Develop self-compassion: It's critical to treat yourself with kindness while you strive to conquer your fear. Remind yourself that everyone has experienced fear at some point in their lives and that it's acceptable to feel afraid. Give yourself permission to make errors and grow from them, and treat yourself with empathy and understanding.


Overcoming fear is a path that calls for bravery, tenacity, and self-awareness. You may overcome your worries and lead a more contented and fearless life by confronting your fears head-on, engaging in self-compassion exercises, practicing mindfulness, questioning unfavourable ideas, getting help, looking for yourself, and creating objectives. Remind yourself that all it takes is a little bravery and commitment to overcome fear and realise your dreams.





Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 No one has ever got fame by prioritizing short-term gratification over long term goals.

Procrastination refers to the act of delaying tasks, duties or actions that need to be completed. Procrastination is a common behaviour where individuals choose to prioritize short-term gratification over a long term goals or responsibilities.

This common behaviour manifest in various forms, such as unnecessary distractions,  putting off importance tasks until the last minute as a result of poor time management,lack of motivation, fear of failure,or feeling overwhelmed. 


Below are the major effects of procrastination on individual or team. 

Lower quality of work: Rushing to complete tasks at the last minute due to procrastination can compromize the quality of work done. Important details or steps can be overlooked, resulting in errors, incomplete work, and subpar outcomes.

Reduced productivity: When individuals delay or postpone tasks, it can lead to a decrease in productivity. important assignment may not be completed on time, causing a backlog of work and increasing stress levels for both individuals and team. 

Increased stress: Procrastination often leads to a cycle of procrastination - induced stress. As deadline approach, individuals may experience heightened anxiety and pressure to complete tasks quickly, leading to a decrease in overall job satisfaction and well-being. 

Strained relationship : Procrastination can disrupt teamwork and collaboration. When others have to compensate for the delayed tasks or deeds with the consequence of poor time management, it can create tension and strain relationship among team members. 


Overcoming procrastination is a common challenge  anyone can overcome including you. 
The below are the various ways you can overcome procrastination ;

Set clearer goals:  Start by setting clearer and specific goals. Breaking down tasks into smaller ones, more manageable steps can make you feel less overwhelm and easy to  tackle the tasks. 

Prioritizing your tasks: By prioritizing your tasks, eliminating distractions, creating a workable schedule for each task and reviewing your progress over time helps you to become more efficient, hence increase your productivity and output. 

Allocating sufficient time to tasks: Allocating sufficient time and resources to each task  leads to improved quality of work and performance in the long run. 

Use time management techniques: Poor time management create unnecessary tension leading to stress as individuals or team struggles to meet deadline and balance responsibilities. By effectively managing time with different time management techniques to find out what works best for you can make you overcome all these unnecessary stress. 

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023


 Do you want to be an effective clockwise manager ? Then this article is for you.

Time as fundamental as it is, is general believe as a concept that measure duration, series of actions and interval of events. It is a continuous progression of moments and is divided into past, present and future. The past refers to what had be done, the present implies what is going on now, while the  future refers to what will take place later. Time reveals our ability to organize our daily lives, plan activities, and understand the progression of various phenomena. Time management is essential for optimizing productivity, meeting deadlines, and maintaining work-life balance.


Time management refers to the ability to effectively plan and prioritize tasks to make the most efficient use of one's time. It involves setting goals and dividing such goals into a smaller tasks, allocating appropriate amounts of time to each task. It is also refers to as strategies for overcoming procrastination, minimizing distractions, and ensuring that deadlines are met. Becoming an effective time manager requires self-discipline and implementing strategies that work best for you. Below are some useful tips that can help you becomes more effective and efficient in managing your time.

Set clearer goals and prioritize your task: Begins by defining your short-team and long-term goals. By doing this, you have a clearer direction of what you want and how to go about it by prioritizing your tasks accordingly. i.e prioritizing your tasks based on their importance and urgency. You can divide the tasks into urgent, important,not urgent, and not important in-order to know where to focus your time and energy. 

Create a schedule and stick to it. Allocate a specific time slots for each tasks and stick to it. This will give a sense of direction knowing what to do a time.

Eliminate Distraction: Minimizing distraction will help you to overcome anything that can derail your focus and productivity. 

Take care of yourself: Remember to include self-care activities in your schedule, such as exercise, relaxation, sufficient sleep, this will, in the long run, enhance your focus, energy levels and overalls productivity. 

Regular review of progress: Regular review of your progress will help you identify what works and what doesn't . Adapting new strategies when the need arises. 
By implementing above practices consistently, you can become an effective time manager and improve your productivity, efficiency, and work-life balance. 


Being an effective time manager has a significant impact on individual and team productivity, efficiency and overall success. The below are some impact of being an effective time manager

Increased productivity: By prioritizing your tasks, eliminating distractions, creating a workable schedule for each task and reviewing your progress over time helps you to become more efficient, hence increase your productivity and output. 

Improved performance: When individuals quality of work and performance, as they can allocate sufficient time and resources to each task. This in the long run, leads to improved quality of work and performance. 

Reduced stress: Poor time management create unnecessary tension leading to stress as individuals or team struggles to meet deadline and balance responsibilities. By effectively managing time all this unnecessary stress can be overcome.  
If you find this article useful please share to others !

Sunday, July 9, 2023



Table of content 

  • Overcoming fear 
  • Recipe for overcoming fear 
  • Courage and fear 
  • Positive mindset and fear 
  • Self-awareness and fear 

Fear is a powerful and universal emotion that has the ability to control and manipulate our thoughts, actions, and even our lives. It is an instinctual response that is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, designed to protect us from potential dangers and threats. However, fear can also be irrational and debilitating, preventing us from reaching our full potential and experiencing the richness of life.

Fear can manifest in various forms, such as fear or failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, or fear of death. These fears often stem from our insecurities, past experience, or societal pressures. They can  hold us back from taking risks, pursuing our dreams, or forming meaningful connection with others. Fear can create a self-imposed prison, trapping us in a cycle.


Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us, preventing us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals. It is a natural response to the unknown, the uncertain, and the potentially dangerous. However, it is also a barrier that can be  overcome with determination, courage, and self-belief. In this essay, we will explore the process of overcoming fear and how it can lead to personal growth and success. 

The first step in overcoming fear is to acknowledge its presence and understand its root cause. Fear often stems from past experience, traumas, or negative beliefs that have been ingrained in our minds. By identifying the source of our fear, we can begin to challenge the source of the fear. 


Courage and fear : The Inseparable Duo.

Courage and fear are two emotions that are deeply intertwined, often seen as opposing forces. Courage is the ability to face danger, difficulty, or pain without succumbing to fear, while fear is an instinctual responses to potential threats or harm. Although they may seem contradictory, courage and fear are actually inseparable, as one cannot exist without the other. In fact, it is through fear that courage is truly tested and defined. Fear is  a natural and primal emotion that is hardwired into our beings. It serves as a survival mechanism, alerting us to potential dangers and allowing us to take necessary precautions. Without fear, we could be reckless and oblivious to the risks that surround us. 


Positive mindset and fear may seem like contradictory concepts, but in reality, they are closely intertwined. A positive mindset is all about focusing on the good, embracing challenges, and believing in one's abilities. On the other hand, fear is often associated with negative thoughts, anxiety, and self-doubt. However, it is important to understand that fear can be a catalyst for growth and personal development. When faced with fear, a positive mindset allows us to approach it with courage and determination. Instead of succumbing to the paralyzing effects of fear, a positive mindset enables us to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, face our fears head-on, and push ourselves beyond our perceived.


Self-awareness and fear are two intertwined aspects of human existence. Self-awareness refers to the ability to recognize and understand one's own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is the conscious knowledge of oneself, including strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears. Fear, on the other hand, is an innate response to perceived threats or dangers. It is a powerful emotion that can either protect us or hinder our growth. Self-awareness plays a crucial role in how we experience and respond to fear, their origins, and their impact on  our lives. We can identify the triggers that evoke fear within us and recognized the patterns of our fearful reaction. 


Monday, May 1, 2023


 The giant of Africa Blessed with milk and honey,

 Blessed with fortified agricultural produce, 

Blessed with enormous natural resources, 

Blessed with a fertile land that is as fertile as fertility can ever be, 

Blessed with a great culture, 

Blessed with a peaceful society.

But now, it is a place of tribalism, 

a place of nepotism and favoritism, 

a place of corruption, 

a place of armed conflict, 

a place of embezzlement, 

a place of social problems , 

a place of environmental damage.

Oh no! The masses are weeping, weeping for justice, 

Oh no! The masses are weeping for freedom,

Oh no! The masses are weeping for a better future, 

Oh no! The masses  are weeping, weeping for a better country. 

The said we are free,but it is pellucid that we are still in bondage. They said the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain but it is obvious that is now in vain. 

Arise ! Arise !! Arise !!!

We want a better country, we want a country that is free from tribalism, nepotism , favouritism , corruption, war , poverty and pain. So help us God! 


Monday, April 24, 2023


 Do the thing, you get the power!!!

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently. The different between successful and unsuccessful people lies on consistency. It is a major factor that shows the different between success and failure. Being consistent is more than being motivated, especially for a long term goals. Motivation is a stimulus, it comes and goes but consistency is a habit.  To be consistent means to be committed towards a particular task. consistency defines what you do repeatedly overtime to achieve a particular goal. 


Consistency demands a long term commitment and it involves sustained efforts in doing actions repeatedly until you achieve your goals. Consistency breeds discipline, accountability, responsibility,  trust etc. 


Consistency makes you discipline, when you are consistent at all time you become discipline automatically. Discipline and consistency are 5 and 6, without discipline it is very hard for you to be consistent in what you do, without consistency, the mental muscle of discipline will decline overtime. consistency and self-discipline works hand in hand. To succeed in life you need to be consistent enough, committed to your own goals and willing to break barriers as you progress without waning down. 


Accountability makes you stay consistent because you are accountable for every decision you take. Consistency and accountability are two most important factors in success. Every cliche in every task around success come down to hard work and most of all, doing it consistently. When you neglect anything for a short period of time , let say a day or two, it is highly likely that your goal will fall short. Being consistent makes you responsible for all your actions.


Saturday, June 11, 2022


thegospeltruth: ETERNITY IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS:  THE BLOOD OF JESUS CONTAINS ETERNAL LIFE In Leviticus 17:4a the Bible says "The life of every living creature is in the blood" Th...

Sunday, June 27, 2021


Discipline simply means; doing what you ought to do whether you feel like doing it or not.

Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Why you need discipline
  • The importance of living a disciplinary life. 

According to Merriam- Webster Dictionary; Discipline is a training that corrects, molds or perfect the mental faculties or moral  character. Based on this definition, discipline can be learnt. To be discipline  means to follow a definite pattern of doing things.


Discipline is one of the most important attribute everyone need to be successful in life.  The importance of discipline cannot be over emphasized. This is summarized in the following poem

People consider me as the most important attribute everyone need to be successful in life. I propel people to take actions when necessary and make them  gain control over difficult task as they aspire for new heights. 

I provide people with the precept to live thier lives efficiently and effectively. Through me habits are created because everyone has an habit attributed to his life style. 

Through me difficult tasks are made easy because I make people to stick to their guns.  I help people to stop procrastination and make them an effective time manager.

People learned and master new things  through me everyday.  I help people to achieve their goals and boots their self-esteem. What am I? I am discipline.


Discipline is the golden principle of life that help you to achieve anything in life. The importance of discipline are listed below.

1. It breeds stability of purpose in life.
2.  It helps you to remain focus 
3. It helps you to become an effective time manager.
4. It helps you to create a positive habit 
5. It enable to stay active and healthy.



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 One essential trait that can make all the difference in attaining success and fulfilling one's dreams is perseverance. It's simple ...

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