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Friday, June 12, 2020


This is to inform all 2020 Batch A prospective corp members whose names have appeared in the senate list but have not registered online that registration has been extended to 29/06/2020. for more information call 07057446111 or visit shop 5B Fidelity Shopping Complex, Ugbowo Campus University of Benin, Benin City.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

hearing from God

Day in Day out, man heart ( mind) is fill with so many voices in the form of thought , constant noise- voices from every side; influencing the way we think and feel. But, in the midst of it all, there is one voice we need to hear the most- the voice of God. In ( 1Samuel 3: 1-8)The voice of God looks strange to Samuel because he had not recognized the voice of God. God speaks to people on daily basis but so many individuals fails to recognize God's voice. God had promised to lead His children by His Spirit and enable them to know His voice. That means you can learn to know exactly what the Spirit of God is saying to you about every situation.

Question: How can i learn to hear from God?

Have you ever tried to watch television or listen to the radio without turning it on? Of course No! You already know that if you don't that if you don't turn on the receiver, you're not going to hear anything. In the same way, you can not hear from God if you are not prepare to hear from Him.

 Prepare to hear from God. ( Samuel 3: 9-15)

Not until Samuel was prepared to hear from God, God did not speak nor reveal any thing to him. Below are the various ways we can prepare to hear from God.

Recognize the receiver (Jeremiah 29:13) The receiver hear is the Holy Spirit. We can not hear from without the help of the Holy Spirit. ( 1 Corinthians 2: 11- 12). God doesn't communicate with us the way we communicate with one another. He communicates from His spirit to your spirit, and your spirit communicates what you hear to your mind. That is what we call an inward witness. " the more time you spend with the Lord and the more you practice turning in to His voice, the more it will become a voice that thunders in marvelous ways"

Find His Frequency (John 10: 4) . The way God speaks to Mr. A. might be different from the way He reveal Himself to Mr. B. God might decide to speaks to Mr. A through dreams, to Mr. B through open vision and Mr. C through the word , or the prophet etc.

·                     Learn to discern His voice ( John 10: 27) . if your father calls you on the telephone, you don't need anyone to tell you, it is your dad, before you know he's the one calling. This is because you have spent so much time with him and you have become well-known to the way he speaks, hence, you easily recognize his voice . The same is true when it comes to hearing from God. If you want to build up yourself spiritually to a point where you can hear from God frequently, without doubting his voice, you have to draw closer to Him through studying the word, prayer and regular quiet time.

·                     Line it up with His word ( the Bible) (2 Timothy 3:16). one sure way to know if you are hearing God's voice is to line it up what you hear with the word of God. God will never tell you to do , or think or say anything contrary to His word.

The importance of hearing from God. ( 1 Kings 19: 7-19) . Elijah was able to know the next kings of Judah and Israel and who will take over from him as the prophet because he recognised the voice of God. God can reveal so many things to us, if we pay more at tension when he's speaking to us.





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