Attitude is the state of mind, a deposition to act in certain ways. The way you relate to your environment is a function of three things; your belief, your feelings and what you value. This is what i call the components of attitude.
Your Belief: What you belief affect the way you relate with your environment. Belief is anything assented to or accepted as a fact. It is a cognitive content held as true. Bringing out the best in you (i.e. unleashing your potential) beings with what you belief. Having intense belief in what you can do is a recipe for accomplishing anything on earth. No matter how great or big the vision might be intense belief in your goals portray the possibilities of accomplishing it.
Your Feelings: In the process of pursuing any goal you set for yourself, your mode (feelings) will determine if the goal can be accomplish or not. Having a positive a attitude on any goal is a one step forward toward accomplishing it. Negative thinking is the opposite. when you have negative attitude on any goal is just an indication that you are one step backward toward achieving it. Don't limit yourself with negative thinking; believe in yourself, strive for your goals even if people criticize your potential or express negative opinions about your ability. When a man put a limit on what he can do; he has put a limit on what he can achieve.
Your values: What you value determine the kind of goals you set for yourself. setting goals on things you are not interested in is very bad; because you can't accomplish much with lack of interest. When you set your goals in line with what you value and you are happy doing what you are doing; you see yourself doing great. value your goals, take it as what worth pursuing and you will see yourself accomplishing that dreams. Remember always dream big!
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